3 Ways to Get Your Self-Care on this October

3 Ways to Get Your Self-Care on this October

Get in on a free online meditation series, Ayurveda workshop, breathwork techniques for relaxation & more

Fall's in full swing, which means your calendar's probably filling up fast. This month, minimize stress and maximize mindfulness with online classes and workshops IRL designed to help you slow down and get centered—even if it's only for 15 minutes!

Join Us for 7 Days of Mindful Meditation

We're launching a free weeklong video class series on meditation Monday, October 15! Get excited for seven amazing sessions from yogis Caley Alyssa and Alissa Kepas, who will cover yoga nidra (sleep-state meditation), heart-opening and chakra-balancing exercises and other useful techniques you can use in your everyday life. Sign up for the series here and subscribe to our YouTube to catch all the videos.

Get It Om in Santa Monica

This month's Mindful Masters events are all about finding healing and creating the life you want, and they're both free and open to the public. Come hang with us at our Santa Monica sanctuary!

Intention Setting & Stretching
October 10, 7pm

Yogi and CEO of Cuccio Somatology Danielle Cuccio will guide a grounding intention-setting session to help you turn your dreams into reality. Leave with a renewed sense of clarity, purpose and readiness to take on your world. Products from Cuccio Somatology will be provided! Wear comfortable clothing for some gentle stretching.

Understanding Ayurveda
October 25, 7pm

Learn the basics of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian natural healing system, from Surya Spa founder and Ayurvedic doctor Martha Soffer. Using personalized treatments, diet changes and herbal remedies, Ayurveda aims to heal and restore balance to the body and mind. She'll explain Doshas (three Ayurvedic energies that exist in the body) and give simple tools for leading a more balanced life. Stick around for a special tasting of almond flour and paleo Ayurvedic Surya Bread!

Find Your Zen on Alo Moves

ICYMI there are a ton of great meditation-based classes on our yoga app, Alo Moves, but one of our favorite new editions is Meditations for Love, a 4-part series led by yogi Talia Sutra. Each 15-minute class is themed around one of the four elements—earth, air, fire and water—and starts off with pranayama, or breathwork, leading into guided meditations. Learn tools and techniques for finding more peace on and off the mat, and revisit the series or any one of the classes whenever you need a reset.

Want more? Check out our yogi-approved guide to meditation and these awesome series on Alo Moves!