A Vegan Treat: Max & Liz's BBQ Jackfruit Tacos

A Vegan Treat: Max & Liz's BBQ Jackfruit Tacos

Snag the recipe for this seriously tasty dish

Need a little detox from holiday sweets? We've got you covered. Max and Liz, that acro couple you're obsessed with on Instagram, shared one of their favorite healthy recipes: BBQ jackfruit tacos! Take it from the foodies—they even have an IG dedicated to the amazing food they eat!—whether you're looking for a crowd-pleasing vegan snack to make this month or just want to spice up your daily lunches, this meal should do the trick.

"Perfect for your #MeatlessMondays or for switching to that plant-based diet you've always wanted to try! This is our hands-down favorite recipe to make for our meat-eating friends and family—they can't tell the difference! Super easy, delicious and perfect for the holidays."

BBQ Jackfruit Tacos

Total Time: 35-45 minutes


2 cans young green jackfruit (we get ours from Trader Joe's)
1/2 bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce
8-10 corn tortillas

Toppings (optional):

Vegan cheese
Shredded cabbage
Shredded lettuce
Whatever else you want to put on your tacos!


1. Cook and boil jackfruit in brine for 20-30 minutes until tender.

2. Add BBQ sauce and simmer until almost all the liquid is gone.

3. Warm tortillas in another skillet.

4. Portion out BBQ jackfruit into tortillas and add any additional toppings.

Serve warm! Enjoy the taste and texture of jackfruit, which is packed with nutrients—it's high in fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals—and SO delicious.