This Month's Free L.A. Mindfulness Workshops

This Month's Free L.A. Mindfulness Workshops

Say hello to a calmer body and mind & a fully-renewed love life

It's official—spring is officially in sight! Celebrate the seasonal shift with some spring cleaning of the body and mind, and come hang with us at our Beverly Hills and Santa Monica stores for two new free Mindful Masters events.

Mobility Breathwork
Thursday, March 14, 7pm | Alo Beverly Hills

Feel all your tension melting away in this workshop with Joe DiStefano, the founder behind RUNGA, an immersive wellness program dedicated to connecting individuals to their purpose. You'll learn how to use mobility balls to relieve tightness and practice deep breathing to connect to the present moment.


Finding Love Workshop
Wednesday, March 27, 7pm | Alo Santa Monica

Got love on the brain? Join executive coach and mindfulness trainer Anne Loyd for a special workshop on how to invite the love you want into your life and how you might be holding yourself back. Cue all the feels. ?