Let's Do This—30 Days & 30 Flows

Let's Do This—30 Days & 30 Flows

Meet us on the mat for our newest YouTube video series. It all kicks off today!

Hey, yogis! In an effort to get more people on their mats more often, we've been filling our YouTube with NEW! yoga video challenges that anyone, anywhere can participate in. Today marks the first day of our latest series, Spring Reset: 30 Days of Mindful Movement. It's a month of 30-minute daily yoga videos designed to help you release, recharge and move forward with fresh energy. It's also completely free, and you can connect with, get inspired by and encourage other yogis by participating in the comments section!

Ready for the first flow? Caley Alyssa's starting us off with a cleansing sequence full of delicious stretches, twists and breathing techniques. She'll ease you into the challenge and help you free up any stagnant energy to create space for what's to come. If you're with us, stream the first class below, download the full schedule here and subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up with the challenge.